Tips for Choosing Your Home Alarm Company (Part 2)

This article is a continuation of Tips for Choosing Your Home Alarm Company (Part 1).
In the first part of the blog, we saw some of the first aspects that you should consider when choosing your home alarm company. We went through the importance of identifying the companies available and we underlined that choosing the cheapest option did not mean the best one. Below, we list some more points to take into account when deciding with which alarm company you should collaborate.
Do They Come With a Mobile App?
Today, the best alarm monitoring companies offer their users, whether they are at home or at work, the possibility of having a mobile application from which they can access the alarm system, receive event alerts, play video clips and even make settings on your alarm panel.
There is also a very wide range of applications on offer in this area, ranging from very sophisticated applications with many functionalities to much more basic ones.
Your choice should be based on your specific needs, as the requirements of an application to monitor a home may differ from property types.
Make Sure the Alarm Company Has a Good Technical Service in Your City
This aspect is also essential for your choice. The installation, configuration and maintenance of one of these systems is the exclusive task of specialists.
Your remote monitoring company must not only offer you the possibility of reacting to events, but must also guarantee the technical conditions necessary for the proper functioning of your system 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
Unexpected damage or a bad configuration of your system can represent a high risk for your security. So, it is necessary to check what kind of technical service they offer you: some alarm monitoring companies will offer you assistance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, others have with phone lines all over the country or with attention through a chat on their website.
Ask your potential supplier what are the guarantees they offer you in this regard: if they will assist you on weekends, at night, outside business hours and what is the estimated time in which they will come to solve technical failures.
Specify to Your Potential Suppliers Your Particular Needs
When we think about installing one of these systems in our home or business and we are not experts on the subject, we believe that it is a simple installation, laying wiring and installing some equipment.
This may be true, but it must be taken into account that these installations, on many occasions, require interventions that are not so desirable in properties such as apartments or houses (cables, pipes or gutters and exposed equipment, drilling of walls, etc.).
If this aspect is relevant to you, be sure to choose a company that offers a solution tailored to your desire or need: a wireless alarm system or a discreet and aesthetic installation.
Make it clear which interventions you would allow in your home and which ones you would definitely not accept. Also note that some suppliers on the market have equipment whose design has been thought for sites where it is important to maintain aesthetic criteria.
Verify the Reliability of Your Alarm Brand and That It Has Sufficient Representation
Finally, it is important that the brand or manufacturer of the alarm products that your company will install for you has sufficient representation in your country. And, that it is marketed at different points and that its additional alarm modules or accessories, which you may wish to integrate over time into your entire system, can be purchased easily and that it is not necessary to carry out lengthy and tedious procedures such as an import that takes several days.
You now have a better idea of what you should consider before choosing a home alarm company. Remember to share this post and leave your comments if you have any more useful tips.